On 3 March 2023, the Italian Business Association in Indonesia (IBAI) in cooperation with FAIP Law Firm held a meeting to discuss "The Expansion of Strata Title Rights based on Law No. 11 of 2020 on Job Creation: what it takes to Foreign Citizens to become home owner in Indonesia” that took place at Jasmine Room, Ayana Midplaza Hotel, (Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 10-11) from 15.30 – 17.30 WIB. The discussion involved the Representatives from the Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning / National Land Agency (Badan Petanahan Nasional/BPN) and FAIP Advocates and IP Counsels.
The event was warmly welcomed by the Chairman of IBAI, Bapak. Marco Noto La Diega that explained about the implementation of the Omnibus Law Article 144 (1) for the foreigner’s right to purchase/buy property in Indonesia and the expectation for this seminar. The representative from FAIP Advocates and IP Counsels informed about the previous and current law as long as the example of the implementation faced by their law firm in handling this apartment/flats purchase. The representative from BPN informed about the technical detailed procedure and steps in purchasing the apartment.
We examined that this seminar has given us clarity about the information of the opportunities in purchasing the apartment or flats for foreigners along with its technical steps. We would like to thank the speakers:
1. Bapak Dr. Husaini, S.H., M.KN
The Director for Regulation and Determination of Land Rights from the Directorate General of Title Determination and Land Registration Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning / National Land Agency (Badan Petanahan Nasional/BPN).
2. Ibu Fortuna Alvariza
The Founding Partner from FAIP Advocates and IP Counsels
And us thank you the moderator, Ibu Fortuna Alvariza, the Founding Partner from FAIP Advocates and IP Counsels for moderating the session. We would also like to thank all the attendees who have actively participated in this seminar.